Preston was injured in the dog park by another dog today.
A dog came to the dog park with his parents who just adopted him from the shelter two weeks ago. Mommy was happy that he found a new home but did not think he was quite ready for dog parks. He was aggressive towards the first two dogs he encountered and was asked to leave by the other dog parents. His daddy explained that he wanted him to get used to being around other dogs. He was put on a leash but apparently his daddy still did not have full control over him. Mommy was worried about Preston because he always had to make sure that he greets every dog that came into the park. Mommy wanted Preston to stay away and he did at the beginning. Then, Preston remembered he hadn’t said hello to the newbie. Before mommy could stop him, the mean dog grabbed Preston’s face and wouldn’t let go until his daddy made him. Mommy was heartbroken to find a very deep wound on Preston’s face.