Preston has made many friends all over the world through blogging. Mommy, Daddy and Preston are lucky to be able to meet some of them in person. This week Preston got to meet two special cyber friends.
On Thursday, Chloe the Puggle and her Mommy Stephanie visited Preston at home.
Isn’t Chloe a cutie?
As smart as Preston is, he is a total dork when it comes to the ladies. He didn’t know what to do but follow Chloe everywhere she went.
Preston ended up with a broken heart when Chloe chose the stuffie over him…
On Saturday, Preston, Mommy and Daddy met up with the long-time blogging friend Miss Kylie and her family. Kylie’s mommy, Ali and Mommy have been talking about a meetup when Preston still lived in California! Mommy was so excited it was finally happening!
Miss Kylie is SO pretty! She is a Border Collie/Flat Coat Retriever.
How did the meetup go? uhh….well…. Preston and Kylie have found a few things in common…
Preston really needs to practice his social skills with ladies…
Regardless, Mommy and Daddy had the greatest time meeting Kylie’s parents, Ali and Matt! Read more about their fun meetup at Miss Kylie’s Corner.
OMD you got to meet TWO Cyber Friends!! Wow Preston, you sure are popular! Chloe is soooo cute!! I love the pictures of you following her around! It looks like you had lots of fun with Miss Kylie and her pawrents too! Love the underbites! BOL! So nice you all got to meet before you move again!
Hugs and Licks, Bruschi
Oh Preston,
I cannot wait for our meetup here in Texas! I’m going crazy of the anticipation. Hopefully we’ll be a little more attached to each other at first sight, than you had with Chloe and Kylie. Although, my Mama thinks otherwise because I’m not as social as I should be. In fact, my Mama is convinced that I think I am human. We shall see when you finally make it here to Texas. I cannot wait to meet you. You are like a doggy celebrity!
You and Chloe are so cute together, Preston!We’re sorry love wasn’t in the Aire for the two of you!
And we love the pictures of you and Kylie ignoring each other! They’re too funny!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Oh Preston!! You’re still just a pup when it comes to winning us girls over!! I sure am glad we did finally get to meet, Even if it wasn’t love at first sight! We all still had a great time! Maybe if we play our cards right we will get to hang out one more time before you leave!! If not, I will plan to go leaf peeping with you this fall!!
Aw..Preston. I miss you a lot! Come back to CA please.
When are you moving to Texas? You are such a gentleman with Chloe. I remember how we chased each other with your unique voice and my loud bark! So great that you met your cyber girl friends. Miss Kylie is cute too.
I always love seeing these reunions. I wish some of you lived closer!
Hopefully we can meet one day Preston. If you are ever in Chicago, you MUST visit. If I am ever in Texas, I will call you. =) Glad you had a good visit with your cyber friends!
Wow! TWO cyber friends in one week! What a great time you had Preston! Ahhh…maybe you do need a LITTLE practice wooing the lady dogs though… (I came over from Miss K’s blog)
Thats so cool that you meet up with your cyber friends preston!! Me and my family would LOVE to meet you if you ever come to portland oregon!
Ohhh…two puggles – double the fun and adorable-ness!!
And you got to meet up with Miss Kylie! How cool is that!! Although I did have a little giggle at your “photoshoot”…! 😉
Honey the Great Dane
Aww! Preston you are becoming the most social Puggle pup. Me and human Granny love the shot of the two Puggle tails curling the opposite way (I am a lefty tail culer). Yes Chloe is so cute. And the picture of you and Miss Kylie both being anti-social to each other (as you call it stubborn). Snicker! Snicker! Give us a ‘Bark Out’ if you ever get close to Chicago, IL USA. We would love to meet-up and maybe take a boat ride on the Chicago River with our Doggles on. Snicker! Snicker! Love all the pics and thanks for sharing them with all of us out here in cyberland. Catch you later, unless you catch me first.
Licks & Wags, Ariel ♥
[…] bloggie I ever read over 3 years ago!! I even got to go meet him this summer (You can read about it here on his blog or here on my bloggy) back while he was living in Boston!!! I can’t believe he […]