Dinner is ready, Daddy!

Daddy used to have a bad habit that drove Mommy crazy. When dinner was ready, it always took Daddy forever to move from his computer to the dinner table. Preston must have felt the same frustration with Mommy because dinner couldn’t start without Daddy!
To solve the problem, Mommy and Preston teamed up to make sure dinner always start promptly!

15 Responses to Dinner is ready, Daddy!

  1. Piggy the puggle says:

    wow, Preston so smart!! gonna meet him someday when stop by Houston!

  2. You have a very loud bark and you are a very smart boy, Preston! Your daddy’s dinner will never get cold now!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  3. kourtney says:

    Preston you are a genius!!!!!

    oliver and jack

  4. Amanda says:

    Wow Preston, you are the smartest dog I’ve ever seen! I wish my puggle was as smart as you!

  5. Bruschi says:

    Nice work Preston! you tell that Daddy of yours who is boss!!!

  6. lola says:

    bol! this is great! you amaze me you are so smart!!


  7. BOL! Mommy LOVES that you do that! Very cute and very helpful 🙂
    Maddy and Owen

  8. Lol, Preston you are so funny! We love your loud bark….it would certainly get anyone’s attention.

    Drools and licks,
    Minnie and Mack

  9. Okay Preston! Now how did you learn that one? I think that if my Mama told me to “go get Daddy for dinner, ” I would just hear “GO GET DINNER,” and then help myself at the table! You are so smart!


  10. sherry says:

    For whatever reason the daddy dinner video won’t play for me. All other videos play. We luv your little Preston and are thinking of getting a Puggle soon I hope. Thank you.

  11. Gosh, Preston – I think Hsin-Yi would like to hire you! She has the same problem with Paul. She gets so annoyed because the food is getting cold on the table and he is just taking ages to come. But I don’t know if I’d be much help though – it takes even longer to get ME up to do anything!! 😀

    That was just the cutest video!

    Honey the Great Dane

  12. Barb + Bruno says:

    Love it! Merry Christmas to Preston and Family xxoo

  13. Wow Preston! You are SUCH a big help to Mommy and Daddy!

  14. We got your sweet Christmas card in the mail today, Preston! Thank you so very much!
    You and your mom and dad are so thoughtful!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  15. Ariel says:

    Wow Good Job Preston! I only alert human Granny when human Papa is home from work or when someone is knocking on the door. Have a Wonderful Christmas! Hope Santa Paws is very good to you!
    Licks & Wags, Ariel ♥