This is a popular human recipe but since kale is a highly nutritious vegetable that is rich in anti-oxidants, Mommy is happy to share this tasty and healthy snack with Preston. If you are not a big fan of kale (like Mommy), you will be surprised how yummy the crispy kale is.
There are many recipes of crispy kale online. Mommy’s recipe is based on one of her favorite food blogs: SteamyKitchen-Baked Crispy Kale.
Ingredients (scale up if needed):
5 cups of leafy kale, torn into bite-sized pieces, thick stems removed.
1 tablespoon olive oil
Salt/seasoning salt (for humans)
1. Preheat the oven to 350F.
2. Wash and dry kale thoroughly (very important!)
3. Drizzle olive oil over the kale and toss with your hands until all surfaces are coated.
4. Spread the kale evenly on the baking sheet. Bake in the oven for 12-15 minutes. Toss slightly at the 10 minutes and check every 2 minutes from this point on until the leaves turn crispy. Remove the kale from the oven immediately. (This step is tricky. Mommy burnt two batches before finally figuring out the right timing)
5. Save some unseasoned crispy kale for your pooch! Sprinkle the remaining crispy kale with salt/seasoning salt.
Crispy kale vs. raw kale. Preston sure knows the difference…
KALE?! Wow Preston you are brave! I don’t think I’d even like the crispy cooked kind! Mommy loves your look of “I am not eating that” with the raw kale BOL
Thanks for the recipe….Mommy might have to try it!
ha ha there is no fooling you is there preston! you know what you like to eat. you look so cute in that video. your face when you see the raw kale is priceless!
oliver and jack
Just wanted to say we love your blog and Preston. My boys (5 and 4) love to have me check regularly for updates. We are amazed what a good boy Preston is!
We have never had kale before, Preston, but you’re sure making us want some!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Preston! you are just so so so so so smart!!!! I never try kale at all, gonna try it when your mommy recipe!
SO funny! A puggle knows.
I love Preston!!! And I love steamy kitchen !!!
Hi Preston,
HU-mom makes our food, we are on the raw diet. The base of our “veggie glop” is usually kale! We love it. Of course, she adds other things to the glop, so I guess we can’t say would eat it by itself.
Your expression when offered the raw kale is exactly the same expression I give when I don’t like something! Must truly be a Puggle one!!! lol.
Hu-mom also makes kale soup with spicy sausage, potatoes and onions. We don’t get to taste that. Your recipe sounds yummy, thinking hu-mom will probably try it!
Drools and licks,
Minnie and sometimes Mack
Thanks for the tip Preston! Mommy just made this recipe for us and we LOVE it 🙂
Maddy and Owen
BOL! I just saw the picture on your twitter link to the left, of you overlooking the Bark Park! That is too funny! I think it MUST be torture!
Ha! I love that he could tell the difference. Preston has a very discerning palate!
Gus loves veggies, but we’ve never tried kale…we’ll have to give this a whirl!