Bark in the park

Preston attended “Bark in the Park 2007” in Naglee Park, San Jose. There were over a thousand dogs attending.
Preston has never seen so many doggies before.

Preston’s first agility course.
“Good jump! Daddy!”

Preston entered the silly trick contest. Mommy was trying to get him to do the nike ball trick (one of the seven golf balls is Nike, Preston has to pick the Nike ball out and drop it in the box) Not only did he fail to do the trick, he was running around on the stage and completely ignoring Mommy (while hundreds of people were watching…) Mommy had to have little “talk” with Preston when we got home.

Preston met his look-a-like Maverick who was also one of Chelle’s puppies.

6 Responses to Bark in the park

  1. Maggie says:

    I’m sure you were just overwhelmed by all of those people and doggies! Your mom will forgive you for not paying closer attention, Preston!
    Maverick really does look like your twin!

    Love ya lots,

  2. Ruby says:

    Wow Preston…that’s a lot of dogs. No wonder you couldn’t perform…I probably wouldn’t be able to either. Hey, my Mom used to live near that park…that was before she got me.

    Glad you had fun! Lots of Licks, Ruby

  3. powder-puff says:

    heya preston!!!

    look at you, your totally dominating that agility course!!!!!

    its alright you had a little problem performing your trick, im sure your mum understands!!!

    looks like so much fun wish i was there!!!

    peace out

  4. ume says:

    for a moment, i tot i was seeing double… oh my… u guyz can be twins!
    did your Mommy have the little “talk” with u? i supposed u were juz overwhelmed by the hundreds of pairs of eyes watching… it can be nerve-wrecking.

  5. Royal says:

    Yikes! The pressure!!! Its okay, we all know how super smart you are Preston! You rock!!


  6. […] Bark in the Park 2008 is taking place this Saturday. Preston got to the event late and missed the “Silly Trick Contest” but after the embarrasment last year, Mommy wasn’t so sure about being on the stage with Preston again. […]