A year ago today

A year ago today, a little angel came into mommy and daddy’s lives and brought along with him oodles of joy and laughter.
puggle angel
A year ago today, a little devil also came into mommy and daddy’s lives…
puggle devil

6 Responses to A year ago today

  1. ume says:

    Preston! your horns r showing! hide them, quick!!!

  2. Clover says:

    Aw Preston!! Your puppy pictures are so cute! Who cares that you were a devil?! Haha… we are allowed to be like that as puppies. Right?
    Mom can’t wait to try baking those veggie cookies!
    Love Clover xo

  3. Maggie says:

    You’re just adorable, Preston! A whole year of pure joy!

    Love ya lots,

  4. powder-puff says:

    hey PRESTON!!!!

    “preston the DEVIL” , im lovin the pictures of you with horns and a lil devil tail!!!!!!!

    BUT no matter what you will always be your mums and dads LIL ANGEL!!!

    peace out

  5. Royal says:

    Woo-woo! Happy gotcha day Preston! Yum, bed frame! 😉


  6. Oliver's mom says:

    He’s a handsome devil!