Favorite Movie

Preston’s new favorite movie- Eight Below.
When Mommy and Daddy said “Preston, doggie on TV!” Preston wouldn’t miss a second of it.

6 Responses to Favorite Movie

  1. Maggie says:

    I’ve never seen that movie! It must be good – we’ll have to check it out! Enjoy it Preston!

    Love ya lots,

  2. Toby says:

    Hi Preston,
    Thats a good movie! I bet you like watching all the doggies! I love watching TV!

    Love Toby

  3. Oliver says:

    Hey Preston,

    I was watching the Pokey Little Puppy the other day. Maybe my mom will let me see 8 Below soon?


  4. Clover says:

    Hi Preston!
    Look at how cute you are watching tv!!
    Love Clover xo

  5. powder-puff says:

    heya preston!!

    careful dont get to close to that t.v, t.vs are EVIL!!!!

    but that still is an aorable picture!!

    peace out

  6. ume says:

    think i’ll try to get my paws on the dvd. have u watched “Underdog” yet? it’s about this superhero beagle…