Mommy found Preston hiding something under his pillow like he did with his bones (dig, hide and cover!). When Mommy flipped the pillow over, she found this.
Preston realized the secret was out…
Preston has two ducks. Remember how gentle he was with his Danny? Danny is still his baby. But the other duck was not as lucky.
Preston met up with his puggle friends, Freddy, Rocket and Turtle at Fort Funston, San Francisco, this weekend. Guess what they were looking at?
Preston, I am sorry to hear that your hiding place is revealed again! Good job in keep little Danny intact! We all have our favorites!
Were you and your Puggle Buddies all looking at a yummy snack? That is a great “puggle” picture Preston’s Mommy! It would be great in a Puggle book!
p.s. I think Preston is the most handsome in the picture!
Preston..I just know that anything 3 puggles are being that attentive to has to have something that can to eaten attached to it. Us Puggles do not usually sit still at the play park for much else. You have the best pics. in the world..Have a barky sort of day..Love ya..Puggle..Blade
Oh Preston! Sorry to hear that your mommy found your hiding spot! They always find it don’t they!!! Poor Mr. Duck! At least Danny the Duck is ok! My blue bandit is the one I don’t destroy……at least not yet BOL!
Me and my Mommy love love love that picture you three!! What were you looking at?? something yummy?
Hugs and Licks, Bruschi
PS- Yes, that was wine my mommy had…she didn’t share that with me though!
Poor Ducky! At least Danny is still okay! I love that picture of y’all looking up! I think y’all are looking at a treat!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Are you looking at flying ducks???
The last picture is very nice. It looks like a painting. Who was not in picture and busy chasing ducks instead 😕
Hey Preston, Glad to see you are good as new from your dog park injury and out at the park playing again. That looks like a food sit if you ask me… If it was a bird or something you would have to me more in a crouchy, secret stalker pose like I do! My Mom is always sewing limbs back on my stuffies… although we have a few amputees at this point… Whoops BOL
I think you guys are looking at clouds that are in the shape of dog bones!! 🙂
Uh oh! Poor duckie! Haha Preston, you were trying to hide it! So cute. 🙂
I love that picture – are you all looking at a treat?!
Love Clover xo
UH OH! Poor Ducky!
We think someone is offering you guys treats in that picture, which BTW is so cute!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hey There P.,
Poor Duck. But we understand !!!! Some of our stuffies have ended up in several pieces too.
You and your awesome buddies are looking at .A plane…….a Super Puggle !!!!! Or maybe just a Cookie !!!
Hugs x 2,
F & B
I juts love that picture of you three. I don’t know why. I just like it.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer