Archive for the ‘Funny Videos’ Category

Sleeping Preston

Finally, some peace and quiet for mommy and daddy.

New Bed I

Sleeping is very important to Preston and he’s extremely picky about where he sleeps. He likes something soft and plush. When mommy saw this bed, she knew it was the one for him. Once we brought the bed home, he immediately inspected it to make sure it’s up to his standard by sniffing it, licking it (to mark his territory), and biting it. The new bed passed the test as he loves sleeping in it.

FYI: Preston’s bed is Candy Stripe Snuggle Bed (Large) by New York Dog.

First Beach Trip

We took Preston to the beaches near Half Moon Bay along Highway 1. He was a little intimidated by the waves and kept his distance from the water but he did have a lot of fun playing with sand. A lot of cleaning up to do for Mommy afterwards though…
Preston at beach Preston playing with sand


Preston occasionally will snore when he sleeps.