Pet Parade

Preston went to Redwood City Annual Pet Parade today. He was a shining star in the parade.
All dressed-up!
dressed up for parade

Lots of cute dogs in the parade. Preston won a lot of attention.

Preston was in “the coolest trick” contest. He did “sit”, “shake and change paw”, “speak”, “dance” and “take a bow”. Unfortunately he refused to lay down and roll over or play dead on the cement floor. His trick performance made it to Channel 26 News!
tricks contest

Preston won second place in the trick contest. First prize went to a yellow lab who could do roll over.
parade 2nd place prize

2 Responses to Pet Parade

  1. Angelina says:

    I love his outfit! We had a pet parade in Chicago this weekend, too! Unfortunately, I did not even think of putting Mugsy in it!
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  2. […] Time flies! It is Redwood City Pet Parade again! Preston dressed up for the parade like he did last year. […]