MA-TX Roadtrip #3

Preston is adjusting well to his new life in Houston.
Mommy and Daddy still have some more pictures to share from the last two days of their recent roadtrip.
As the family drove further south, the temperature and humidity were getting higher. In Atlanta, Mommy had to pour two bottles of water all over Preston (oh, he loved it!) before taking him to Centennial Olympic Park and Coca-Cola Museum to snap a couple of pictures.

Mommy and Daddy were very excited about their next stop – New Orleans, Louisiana! They remembered how happy their tummies were last time they visited this city.
New Orleans is a fun city to visit. French Quarter is always festive!

Preston didn’t get to taste the canjun cuisine Mommy and Daddy had but he wasn’t going to leave New Orleans without at least having a bite of Cafe Du Monde’s beignet!

9 Responses to MA-TX Roadtrip #3

  1. kourtney says:

    we love the picture of you in beads preston! that blue dog looks scary? we would have barked at it!

    oliver and jack

  2. Bruschi says:

    PRESTON! what did you do to get those beads?! BOL BOL! Looks like you enjoyed yourself in the French Quarters! Mmmm Beignets….those are Mommy’s favorite! By the picture of you tasting it, looks like you loved it too!!

    Oh and about Ebby’s gotcha day……can you believe mommy doesn’t know which date it should be! She doesn’t know if is the date we made the decision to keep her, or the day we started fostering her or what?! Any ideas!?

    Hugs and Licks, Bruschi

  3. Wow Preston! Looks like your trip was lots of fun! I loved the picture of you with the beads 🙂 and the beignets looked really tasty-maybe one day I will taste them too 😉

  4. Preston….I warned you….its H-O-T here in TX! It will begin to feel comfortable to us dogs at or around after Halloween. So hang tight!

    I loved your pictures again! I especially loved the one of you with all those beads and the face you gave eating beignets! You are so darn cute! No wonder you get to eat so many yummy things!


  5. Our mom and dad honeymooned in New Orleans, Preston, and they know just how awesome those French Market donuts are!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  6. Ariel says:

    Wow! Preston you really had a lot of Adventures! Love the beads and the Coca-Cola picture. Human Granny loves that stuff (Coke). Yes I would like to know what you did to get the beads in New Orleans. Snicker! Snicker! It looks really HOT, Hot, Hot in Texas! Keep cool. Love the pictures too! Hope you are doing well in your new home Texas ‘The Lone Star’ state. Great Luck to you and human Mommy and human Daddy!
    Licks and Wags, Ariel ♥

  7. Hi! Our cousin always talks about you Preston- you are FAMOUS! We just started blogging and maybe one day we can be as popular as you 🙂 You sure look like you have a lot of fun and adventures.

    Grayce and Danger (Maddy the Puggle’s cousins).

    Ps- We would have picked the bacon too!!!

  8. Piggy says:

    Luv the photo that u are eating Beignets~ Look Yummy Yummy, by the way, may i know how did your Mommy find the hotel where we can stay in too?

  9. stephanie says:

    I am so glad I found this blog! We have a puggle who looks alot like Preston and he is the sweetest! Thanks for the information you have here.