
Not a happy weekend for Preston.
Preston was injured when chasing after the laser pointer. Mommy shouldn’t have played with him on the cement floor. One of his nails was ripped off. Ouch!! Mommy felt really bad about it and apologized with an extra large frosty paw.

Can’t go for a walk for a few days and no more rough play…bummer!

7 Responses to Ouch!

  1. ume says:

    ooohh… dat muz hurt… i hope your paw-paw heals soon…

  2. Royal says:

    wooo Preston! my name is Royal, I found your blog at “dogs with blogs”. you are one cooool pup! I dont think Ive met a puggle before, but I love pugs and beagles! my hu-mom says shes met a bunch of puggles and that they are cool dogs. anywoo, just wanted to stop by and say hi!! I hope your paw feels better soon!


  3. Carlos says:

    Preston what happened? Good thing mommy and daddy are there to spoil you. Get well soon buddy. Over and out Mr. Preston.

  4. Clover says:

    Hi Preston,
    Sorry to hear about your paw. Hope you are feeling better soon! You should use this down time to milk more treats out of Mom and Dad. Maybe Mom wants to try out some of those new recipes? Haha…
    By the way, I am on my way to becoming good at tricks like you! I can sit, stay, come, down, dance and crawl! Thanks for being my inspiration.
    Love Clover xo

  5. Oh no!!!! You are hard core Preston. That must’ve hurt so badly – once my pop trimmed my nail too short and that killed…but he didn’t pull the nail completely off!

  6. powder-puff says:

    heya PRESTON!!!!

    oh mr. puggle i am so sorry that your poor nail was hurt !!!!!

    But i think that an extra large frostay paw i only the beggining to the major pampering your gonna recieve!!!!

    have a good week!!

    peace out

  7. Maggie says:

    Major bummer Preston! How long do you have to stay house bound? This is hard to do when it’s nice out! I hope you get better real soon!

    Love ya lots,