Time to go trick-or-treating! But Preston had to first decide if he wanted to be an alligator…. (Good guess, Maggie!)
or just be his true self…
Mommy and daddy took Preston trick r treating at Stanford Shopping Center and had tons of fun.
The inspiration of Preston’s costume came from this cool Croc-Eat-Dog costume. It was a promotion for the Zoo Neunkirchen in Germany.
Hey Preston..cool costume! I like the devil costume too! Looks like you had so much fun, Mommy put me in my costume last night at home to help with the trick or treaters, but we didn’t get a single one! Next year, i’ll be the one trick or treating!
Love Toby
Good choice on costumes, Preston! You’re no devil! That’s for sure! I’m not sure I like the Beagle getting eaten by the croc! That’s kinda scary!
Love ya lots,
Oh wow, Preston! Great costume (did someone make that for you?!) and looks like you had so much fun trick or treating! I especially like the shots of you with other alligators and dinosaurs. 🙂
Love Clover xo
Oh Preston, you look great! Looks like you had a fun time. Everyone in my house has been so sick for days and days…
HEY preston!!!
Looks like you had a great time during HOWL-oween!!
I LUV your costume MR. preston gator!!!!
Now its time to get ready for TURKEY day!!
peace out
You are one fashion plate to be certain.