Ed Levin and Drigon Parks

Preston visited two dog parks this weekend. On Saturday, Mommy took him to Ed Levin Park in Milpitas. This is probably the cleanest and best-maintained dog park Preston has been to.
Preston was the first to arrive at the park. He was a little disappointed and kept looking toward the parking lot hoping more dogs would come.
Yeah! The grey hound brothers showed up. Preston had a great time running with them. This made it worth the $6 park entrance fee!
Preston checked out another dog park on Sunday, Drigon Park in Union City. This place is awesome! There are a lot of doggies to play with and also agility equipments for Preston to try out.

7 Responses to Ed Levin and Drigon Parks

  1. Puddleglum says:

    Wow! Those dog parks (especially the second one) look pawesome! You sure look happy with your greyhound friends.

  2. Karl says:

    Preston Brah!
    Wow! Six bucks to go to that fancy dog park!
    You could have gotten a six-pack of…….er…….
    Doggie Treats!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Puggle..Blade says:

    Hi Preston…It is me Blade. How lucky you are to have a mommie that takes you to such wonderful places. You make sure that you give her a special kiss from me so she will know just how much us other Puggles appreciate the way she loves you!!! Have a barky day..Your equally as loved Puggle buddy..Blade

  4. Frank & Beans says:

    Hey There P.,

    Those greyhounds don’t have anything on you. Ears back, tail tucked !!!! Look at those Puggle Legs go !!!! PUGGLE SPEED !!!!

    Hugs x 2,
    F & B

  5. Preston! Did you get to test out your agility skills? I bet you would be super good at that! Those greyhounds look like they really gave you a good run for your money. I cannot believe it cost $6 to get in the park…it looked extra clean and pretty though!


  6. Wow Preston, you sure do you visit some neat places! My mommy never brought me to a doggy park……she only lets me run around with my neighborhood dogs. You are lucky to have places like that near you! Ours are all far away!

    Hugs, Bruschi

  7. Garrett says:

    Great pics from the dog park. You can also find Drigon Park on Fido Factor. We’d love it if you add your photos and review.
