by admin
Did Mommy and Daddy forget about blogging for THREE months?!
Thank all of you who wrote and checked in on Preston and family. Preston is doing very well, so are Mommy, Daddy and Nolan.
Back in February, Mommy, Daddy and Nolan took a trip to Taiwan. It is always hard to leave for a trip without Preston. The look on Preston’s face when he sees all the luggages lined up by the front door makes it even harder to say good-bye.

After Mommy and Daddy got back from their trip, they immediately dove into a big project that has been keeping them very busy. What is this big project?

Yes, they bought a piece of land and are going to build a new house that will be Preston’s new home!
Building a house is such a challenge but at the same time, exciting project. Hopefully, by this time next year, Preston’s new home will be completed. Mommy and Daddy will be sharing the progress of this home building journey here on Preston’s blog.
Mommy and Daddy might be busy but they didn’t forget to take Preston on new adventures.
Preston is a frequent visitor to the beach in Newport.

In Spring, Tulip Festival in Woodburn, Oregon is a must-go event.

Preston roamed around in the snow at Mary’s Peak summit, the highest point in the Oregon Coast Range.

Nolan is doing very well too.

He is growing up fast and has started school.

Giving Preston a bath is one of Nolan’s favorite things to do!
by admin
Mommy and Daddy did say it was an “obsession of theirs”…

by admin
Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year!

by admin
What happened to this year’s Halloween costumes?
Preston and Nolan were supposed to go out as lion brothers according to Mommy’s plan.
well… It didn’t work out. Nolan had a lot of “opinions” about his costume.

Preston is always a good sport.

The lion outfits didn’t work out but Nolan agreed to be a little black bear and Preston put on his Halloween bandana.

Mommy took both Preston and Nolan out to the Halloween event in town ALL BY HERSELF because it was an afternoon event and daddy had to work. It wasn’t easy to push the stroller and at the same time keep Preston in control on the street full of KIDS (in their Dark Vader outfits, Vampire face paint or hairy monster suits). Preston only managed to make a little “cowboy” cry. 🙂
A few weeks ago, Mommy and Daddy took Nolan on a week-long vacation. Sadly, Preston wasn’t able to go. It always stressed Mommy and Daddy out to have to find Preston a new sitter when they moved to a new place even though they have had good luck in finding great people/boarding facility to take care of Preston in the past. Mommy started her search for a perfect sister way before the vacation. There are some nice dog hotels in Portland but Mommy and Daddy thought Preston would be much happier in a home-setting. Mommy went looking for help on a website she discovered during her What a great idea is! Check it out if you need a sitter for your fur babies or you are interested in being a sitter.
Mommy found Ladan and Andrew on They are truly the greatest dog sitters. Preston came home a very happy puggle. What a relief for Mommy and Daddy.
Guess where mommy, daddy and Nolan went for the vacation?

Final hint- the state bird of this State in the U.S. is called Nene.

Have a very safe and wonderful turkey day!