Archive for 2011

Good Samaritans

Two weeks ago, as Mommy and Preston were leaving the dog park and walking towards their car, Mommy heard a bang. It wasn’t very loud but enough to catch Mommy’s attention. She looked up and saw someone breaking the window of a car parked right next to hers. Mommy was so naive. The first thing that came into her mind was a dog locked inside the car along with the car key in the 85F weather and his/her owner had to break open the window to rescue the dog. Then she saw the guy bending over into the car and coming out with a purse. She suddenly realized what was going on. Preston and Mommy just witnessed a break-in! After getting the purse, the guy jumped into his own car and sped away! But… Mommy got his license plate number!!
Mommy found the owner of the car and helped her report the incident to the police. The poor lady was devastated. She left everything, including her house keys, in the purse because she thought she was “just a few steps away in the dog park…”
Mommy couldn’t believe things like this could happen in a busy parking lot, in broad daylight and in front of her eyes! The whole incident took place in less than 10 seconds!

It turns out car break-ins happen frequently in the dog parks everywhere. Dog parks have become easy targets for the thieves because dog owners are more likely to leave their bags and valuables in the car while staying in the park. The lady in this incident even hid her purse under the seat and still became the victim. Mommy wants to remind everyone to never leave your valuables in the car when you visit dog parks even though you think it is just a short visit and you are close by. It only takes 10 seconds!
Hope the bad guy gets caught with the information Mommy and Preston provided…

Oh boy!

Preston is going to be a big brother!
For the past 8 months, Preston has been helping Mommy and Daddy prepare for the arrival of his 2-legged baby brother.
Making sure the cribs are comfy for the baby…

Testing the baby’s ride…

If it looks good on Preston, it will look good on the baby.

Preston thinks Mommy’s maternity pillow is his new bed. It is so nice of him to share it with Mommy.

Preston has not been around babies much and is always a little uncertain about kids. Mommy and Daddy hope he will be a loving big brother to the baby. The baby’s due date is July 10, the day after Preston’s birthday! As to the life with a baby, Preston still has a lot to learn, so do Mommy and Daddy…

Save the cars!

Anyone who lives with a big shedder like Preston can understand Mommy’s headache over dog hair in the cars!
A lot of Preston’s hair was accumulating in the hard-to-reach places in the car. For a long time, Mommy had given up on cleaning the hair out of her “puggle mobile”. But when the “puggle mobile” started to smell like a puggle even when Preston wasn’t on board, Mommy had to do something about the dog hair at the bottom of the car seats!
Mommy is happy to annouce that she has found the best gadgets to deal with this problem!
This Micro Vacuum Attachment Kit is one of the best $10 Mommy has ever spent.
Mommy’s cleaning gadgets-

It took a lot of effort but Mommy’s car is finally clean again!

As to the hair on the fabric upholstery, Mommy found the best way to remove it is with a slightly damp cloth.

Finally, for Mommy’s worst nightmare, Preston’s stinky anal gland accidents! (or sometimes just “mysterious stains”!), Mommy’s secret weapon is Folex Carpet Spot Remover.

Beach Trip

The weather is getting warmer here in Texas. When most people are looking forward to hitting the beach, Preston’s beach season soon will be over because in a couple of months, it will be too hot for him to enjoy the beach. Mommy and Daddy planned Easter weekend at the beach in Galveston Island, 50 miles southeast of Houston.

2011 Houston PetExpo

Preston was at Houston PetExpo this saturday.
It was a fun event where Preston got to check out the agility shows, meet new friends and sample new treats!
If Mommy didn’t stop Preston, he could have emptied the entire bowl of the hotdog infused water!

There were a lot of rescue groups at the event. Many many rescued dogs hope to find their new homes.

Mommy and Daddy wish they could help them all. In honor of Preston’s puggle heritage, Mommy and Daddy made donations to PugHearts and Beagle Rescue. Daddy played “spin the wheel” at the Beagle Rescue and won one of the grand prizes, a lovely doggie photo album!

Preston performed the Blanket trick at the trick contest.
He didn’t win the prize but did give the audience a good laugh when Mommy asked him to do it one more time and he said “NO!”

San Antonio, TX

A week ago, Preston visited San Antonio for a weekend getaway.
San Antonio is located in the beautiful Texas Hill Country. Mommy and Daddy planned a hiking trip in nearby Government Canyon State Natural Area.
After sharing a Texas-shaped waffle with Mommy, Preston was ready to hit the trail.

The natural vegetation in the Hill Country is sure very different from what Preston used to see in New England.

When the family goes hiking, Daddy is always the pack leader and Preston follows closely behind. When Preston senses that Mommy is falling behind the pack, he slows down his pace and waits for Mommy to catch up. Whenever he does that, his tail also goes from curly and up position to straight and down. His sweet gesture always makes Mommy feel warm and fuzzy inside.

After a day of hiking on Saturday, Preston spent Sunday sightseeing in downtown San Antonio.
Preston couldn’t miss a photo opportunity at The Alamo eventhough he wasn’t allowed to go inside. The Alamo is a very important battle site in Texas history.
The most fun Preston had was at River Walk. It is a network of walkways along the San Antonio River in downtown. There are lots of dog friendly shops and resturants along the walk.

Sweet cure for a boo-boo

Preston had a boo boo in the dog park today as result of rough and tumble play. It was just a small cut but the bloody paw did scare Mommy a little.

Mommy patched him up. What else is going to make him feel better?
These yummies certainly will!
Preston is always a fan of Sprinkles’ pupcakes.

Mommy and Daddy brought home a souvenir from their vacation.

A doggie treat from Houston’s Dessert Gallery Bakery and Cafe.

RodeoHouston 2011

RodeoHouston is the biggest annual event in Houston. It is actually the world’s largest live entertainment and livestock exhibition. It is a 20-day event attended by over 2 million people. Mommy and Daddy are excited about checking it out for the first time this year. Sadly, it is not a dog-friendly event and Preston couldn’t go even if he put on his rodeo cowboy costume…

It is a fun event where lots of people are going in their western outfits.

Food…food…food! all Texas-sized too!

Mommy and Daddy were most fascinated by the livestock exhibition.

Hmm…whom does this remind Mommy and Daddy of? See the resemblance?
Mommy and Daddy still have to learn to fully appreciate steer wrestling and bull riding but they had fun watching chuckwagon racing.

Mommy is back!

Mommy missed Preston so dearly when she was away.
Daddy put Preston in his study room when he went to work. It could get quite lonely being home alone all day. Mommy had remote access to the computer at home so she could start the home computer remotely and set up a video conference with Preston through a webcam. Isn’t technology a wonderful thing? Mommy got to chat with Preston everyday when he was alone at home.
Screen captures from the webcam:

Meet Gilli, Grandma and Grandpa’s beloved dog in Taiwan. Gilli is the family hero. Grandma and Grandpa has a beautiful garden but occasionally on warm summer days, there are unwelcomed visitors in their garden…snakes! (scary, huh) When that happened in the past, Gilli was always the first to find out. Sometimes, he just took care of them on his own. Hope Gilli continues protecting the family but stays safe at the same time. Thank you, Gilli!

Mommy is back from her trip. She didn’t bring home any dog treats because she didn’t want to get in troubles at customs for bringing in any meat products. Those sniffer dogs at customs are very good at their job, like this one Mommy saw in Houston airport…

But she did bring home some yummy human treats that Preston was also lucky to be able to get a bite or two.
Two of very well-known snacks in Taiwan-
Cow’s Tongue Biscuits (Niu-Se-Bing) and Sun Cake (Tai-Yang-Bing)

Mommy was also excited about her flight layover at Tokyo’s Narita Airport because she could get the famous Hiyoko– buns shaped like a baby chick.

Canine Bikers

Mommy is visiting Grandpa and Grandma in Taiwan. Preston and Daddy are staying home.
In Taiwan, motorcycle is a very popular transportation. Many doggies here are expert canine bikers!