Halloween Pet Parade

Preston went to Boston’s annual Halloween Pet Parade today. There were many doggies in the coolest costumes. Preston did not want to be under-dressed so he put on his hotdog suit for the parade.
Halloween Pet Parade
What a happy event in Faneuil Hall today!
Mommy was wondering why Preston was especially friendly with this doggie and gave her lots of kisses. It turned out…
Mommy’s favorite is this chocolate lab dressed up as a horsie.

7 Responses to Halloween Pet Parade

  1. Poochy says:

    Wow..look like a lot of fun. Now I wish I were there with you, Preston.

    I want to eat you too, Preston since you transformed into hot-dog 😛


  2. What fun you had, Preston, and your hotdog costume is too cute!
    The chocolate lab horsie is fabulous! Mom could have never put all of that stuff on us and gotten away with it!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  3. Mr. Puggle says:

    looks like fun preston. glad to see there was not ketchup on your dog! 🙂

  4. Ariel says:

    Preston looks like you had a Barking Great time! I want to be in a parade too. Looks like they had a lot of Great doggies with cool costumes. I agree with Mr. Puggle no ketchup on the hotdog was a Great idea!
    Licks & Wags, Ariel ♥

  5. Bruschi says:

    A doggy parade?! Oh what fun!! Look at all those neat costumes!! Glad to see you dressed up in your cute hot dog outfit for the occasion!! A doggy dipped in Kool-Aid? BOL! Tasty! Glad you had a spooktacular day!

    hugs and licks, Bruschi

  6. JP says:

    Preston is no wiener dog, but he does a good impression of one…

  7. HOT DOG, Preston!
    Looks like you had a BLAST!
    We also went to a Halloween Party for Doggies here in Winston-Salem.
    Jack was Peter Pan, Ella was Tinkerbell and Mommy (Ann) was Wendy!!!!
    Love you, Preston! Wags and Licks!
    Jack, Ella and (Mommy) Ann