When Mommy went to school in New York City years ago, she often dreamed of walking her dog on NYC streets and Central Park. This weekend, Preston helped Mommy realize her dream.
Preston has left his mark in many places in the city!
When Mommy went to school in New York City years ago, she often dreamed of walking her dog on NYC streets and Central Park. This weekend, Preston helped Mommy realize her dream.
Preston has left his mark in many places in the city!
Oh Preston,
It looks like you had a wonderful time in NYC! All the places you got to visit! What a great Mommy and Daddy you have! Love all your pictures, Preston!
Wow, how cool that you got to see the sights in the Big Apple! THE BIG CITY! I notice your new leash….looks like it worked well for you!
Did you see any other puggles in NYC? What did you think of all the lights and noise?!
PS- thanks for sharing that funny story about throwing up on your mommy’s pillow! BOL! I bet her hair was so pretty in the morning!
Hugs and Licks, Bruschi
WOW! At first it was mommy’s dream to wear those killer boots. Very nice.
Glad you had fun, you coast to coast puggle you.
How cool that you were in NYC seeing the sites with your mom, Preston! You are so lucky!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and MItch
Boy, Preston. You are the world travel puggle. Your Mommy must be very happy that she realized her dream with her adorable baby! Mommy and I enjoyed your blog post. That’s the first time I saw you on a leash, Preston. Did you drag Mommy’s around to show her NYC 😛
You are one traveling puggle! Great pictures. I would love to visit NYC one day…my Daddy used to live in Queens years ago, so maybe we’ll go back and visit one day!
Wow Preston! You and your fashionable Mommy must have turned a lot of heads in NYC.
Ah, Preston. You are living the life, it seems…
BOL! Well look who has become a East Coast Puggle, it’s Preston! You are the offical Coast to Coast Puggle. So Happy that you made your human Mommy’s Dream come true. Love the pictures thanks for sharing the sites with us here in Chicago IL USA. Looks like you and human Mommy had a Barking Great time!
Licks & Wags, Ariel ♥
Looks like you had a great time! No one better to visit NYC then a Puggle! I bet EVERYONE fell in love with you. You are so fortunate and lucky to have such great opportunities to travel.
We love you and your adventures.
Jack, Ella and (Mommy) Ann
I was in NYC around the same time – sorry we didn’t run into each other! What a great city.