Canine Cutaneous Histiocytoma

Two weeks ago Mommy found a small blistery bump on Preston’s paw. It started out tiny and quickly grew into a pea-sized red lump within a week. It was sensitive to touch but did not seem to affect Preston’s walk eventhough it was very close to the pad. Mommy had it examined by the doctor. The cytology has confirmed that Preston has histiocytoma.
It is a benign skin tumor that usually occurs on young adult dogs. In most cases, the tumor will regress on its own in two to three months so Mommy is taking the doctor’s suggestion to let the tumor run its course. If it does not go away in three months or starts bothering Preston, surgical removal might be necessary. Hope it goes away by itself soon!
Preston’s histiocytoma, week#1.
week#2 (the scar was from fine needle aspiration cytology)
Update: week#5: The tumor started shrinking.
week#6: Almost gone!

20 Responses to Canine Cutaneous Histiocytoma

  1. Ariel says:

    Aww! Preston,
    So sorry to hear of your skin tumor. I had one when I was a little pup on my side and it went away all by itself. Good vibes and Healing tail wags to you. We know that human Mommy and human Daddy will take very Great care of you. Have a Barking Great Sunday!
    Licks and Wags, Ariel ♥

  2. Kepa says:

    Oh Preston! I hope you are doing ok! I will be thinking about you! Keep us updated!


  3. Our paws are crossed that the tumor goes away on it’s own, Preston! We don’t want surgery!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  4. Hey Preston! We are glad you figured out what it was and hope it will get better really soon and go away on its own!

  5. Ms. M says:

    We are sending lots of good wishes for the tumor to go away on its own! Hopefully, Preston got extra treats for enduring the needle! 🙂


  6. We’re keeping you in our thoughts, Preston! Hopefully it goes away on its own!

    Freddy and Evy

  7. Poochy says:

    Hi Preston,

    Be brave! I am sure Mommy would take great care of you. I had that too in my left floppy ear. When the vet tested it, he gave an antibiotic ointment and it went away after a couple months. Hope yours would go away so that you don’t need surgery. Don’t lick or scratch it though…


  8. Mr. Puggle says:

    ooouuuuuu ouch. poor puppy. sorry you have this preston but i am so glad it is not more serious. praying it clears up like doc said. thanks for sharing this with us. it will help educate the rest of us. get well soon.

  9. Bruschi says:

    Poor Preston! So sad to see that growth on your little paw! It is good to know that it will most likely heal on its own, without surgery! You are in the best hands, with your Mommy, so don’t you worry…..she is going to take good care of you! Sending you pawsitive puggle vibes!

    Hugs and Licks, Bruschi

  10. C.l.o.v.e.r. says:

    Hi Preston,
    So sorry to hear about your histiocytoma 🙁
    I sure hope it goes away quickly, so I am thinking healing thoughts for you, and sending lots of puggy hugs and kisses.

  11. JP says:

    Sorry to hear about your tumor, at least it’s benign. Hopefully you’ll be able to quickly get over this, just like your puppy warts…

  12. Miss Kylie says:

    Oh Preston!! This is not good!! Please keep us posted on your status and if we can do anything to help!!


  13. Oh Preston…I hope it doesn’t hurt!!! Your Mommy & Daddy must be so worried! I hope it goes away soon! Keep us posted!

    Best to you!

  14. So sorry to hear about this. I do have one idea. When Lenny had puppy warts I discovered Nzymes (you can google their site) and it was amazing and within two days the wart was receding. I’m not sure what’s in it but it may be worth a try.

  15. Westin says:

    Hope you feel better soon, Preston!!

  16. Callie says:

    I had one of those too! I had to have mine removed because it kept bleeding all over the carpet and the couch and that made mommy mad. It was really easy to remove and I got a nice hot pink bandage. I left the bandage alone until they removed it and then I wouldn’t leave my paw alone so they gave mommy a cone for me. That was NOT fun! I ran into walls, couldn’t fit in my crate, and couldn’t chew my bones. Mommy felt sorry for me and taught me to leave my paw alone. I’m now all healed and my paw feels so much better!
    I hope yours goes away all by itself!

  17. Preston
    We have you in our thoughts and prayers and hope that this goes away on its own as well. Ella and Jack have had their own set of issues but recovered well from all of them. You puggles sure are amazing and resilient creatures and all so full of love and happiness.
    We love you!
    Jack, Ella and (Mommy) Ann

  18. Roxanne says:

    Hi Preston,
    My name is Zoey and I am a wire-haired doxie. I have a “button” tumor on my ear and my human took me to the vet who said that we should leave it alone. Right now, it seems to be getting bigger and my human took me back to the vet today. He doesn’t want to take it off surgically right now. He hopes it will go away on it’s own.
    I am glad you boo-boo went away. Good Luck!

  19. John says:

    Hi there…good to see these pictures of how it went away. Mine got a histiocytoma 3 weeks ago on his eyelid and we had the vet do cytology which confirmed a histiocytoma. It has not started to shrink yet and it’s very red and we are concerned but the vet said it will likely shrink between 4-6 weeks. Does that sound right?

  20. did it end up going away on its own?
    preston had a tiny one! 🙂