Saturday was Daddy’s birthday. Daddy came home from a four-day trip in Chicago to spend his birthday with Mommy and Preston.
Daddy didn’t forget to bring home Mommy’s favorite popcorn- Chicago’s Garrett Popcorn!
“What do you mean it is not puggle food? I brought it home all the way from the garage!”
This is the reason Garrett is not for a puggle…
Mommy took Daddy to The Chocolate Bar to pick out Daddy’s birthday cake. ALL the yummy sweets in the store are made of chocolate…except the carob dipped milkbones! That’s how cool The Chocolate Bar is. They don’t let doggies feel left out.
After the dinner and the cake, Mommy, Daddy and Preston enjoyed some TV time together. Someone on TV was shouting “Ice cream! Ice cream!” Preston rushed over to his toy box and brought Mommy and Daddy this…
“Did someone say ice cream?”
No ice cream. Sorry, Preston. But on Sunday, Mommy made Preston’s Kong filling with a new recipe. Puree 1/2 cup cooked beef, 1/2 cup red bell pepper and 1 hard boiled egg.
see other Kong recipes.
you are too funny preston! bringing the popcorn from the garage. HA HA. i’m sure your daddy had a great time celebrating his birthday with you. who wouldnt want to celebrate with a puggle?
Happy Birthday to Preston’s Daddy!!!
You are too smart for your own good! How cute are you with the ice cream cone! BOL!
That popcorn looks DEEEELICIOUS! At least The Chocolate Bar had puggle treats!!!
PS- Mommy loves your white fluffy rug!!
Hugs and Licks, Bruschi
That carob bar with sprinkles looks pretty yummy to us, Preston, and so does your stuffed kong!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Chicago? CHICAGO? C H I C A G O ?
C H I C A G O !!
Really? You were here for F O U R days! Next time tell us so we can drop off a gift for Mr. Preston! If you E V E R need anything in Chicago, please let us know. If you are ever visiting again, we would love to show you around or help you out in any way so your stay is perfect! Glad you got some Garretts. Good stuff. Hope you didn’t put any ketchup on your hot dogs while you were here. BOL! =)
Ha! HA! Preston – that bag of popcorn is bigger than you! 😀 I thought you were so clever to bring that ice cream toy when you heard people shouting the word – in fact, I think you’re so clever to know the names of all your toys! I can barely remember what “toy” means! 🙂
Mmm – that Kong looks absolutely delicious! My human just took our my Kong again the other day so now I hope she might try some of your Kong stuffings!
Honey the Great Dane
For some reason, our parents do not seem to want to give us any popcorn…I don’t know why!
At least your Daddy brought your Mommy something back from his trip. My Daddy went to Atlanta and came home empty handed! My Mama was disappointed!
As always, you look most adorable in your attempts of getting good human food!
Preston… You got Kettle Corn!? I might have to rethink that being grumpy to you thing. If you brought me Kettle Corn I would be your bestest girlfriend in the whole wide world!! 🙂 I just LOVES Kettle Corn!! Even thought Mommy and Daddy are MEAN and only give me one or two pieces while they stuff their faces!! I have been thinking of you and your parents while we see the leaves changing colors! We will try to send you some nice pictures soon! Hope all is going well in TEXAS! Have you looked up Addie, Lucie and Hailey yet!?
Wow! your human Daddy came here to Chicago! So sorry we missed him. Would of like to take him to lunch. But it would had to have been in the dog park cuz it was too cold to eat in the garden area of the restaurants now…BOL! Yummo Popcorn! Well human Granny found some dog popcorn for me, but she doesn’t let me use toothpicks so we have to get extra teeth brushings when I have it. Human Granny said to tell you to tell your human Mommy and human Daddy….’THANKS SO MUCH!’ for the donation for mine and human Papa’s walk. We love the cause and I am so Great-full to all of our blogger friends that help to keep them ‘Senior Pets’ healthy and in good shape while they find homes for them. Bless you all!
Going to be busy this month. Watch for all the ‘ADVENTURES’.
Human Granny is going to have to get some ‘Kong’ recipes from your human Mommy. Take Care and Be Great like you are….
Licks & Wags, Ariel ♥