Cleaning up the toys

Fetching toys by name is Preston’s specialty. He can fetch all of his toys from the toy box continuously, all 45 of them! Although Mommy is very proud of him, cleaning up the toys could be a big headache sometimes.

It is Mother’s day. Preston decided to give Mommy the best Mother’s day gift ever – cleaning up his own toys!

11 Responses to Cleaning up the toys

  1. WOW, that was a great gift for your mommy!
    All I did for my mommy was to take her for a walk!
    and let her give me a belly rub!

    Wags and Sniffs

  2. Frank & Beans says:

    Hi There P.,

    Great work on the Mommy Day gift !!!
    You’re so smart, we really expect you to be playing the keyboard by your toy box next !!! Can we make a request for your first song ???? How about “How much is that doggie in the window ?” !!!!!

    WAY TO GO P. !!!!

    Hugs x 2,

    F & B

  3. Mom wants to know if she can trade dogs! She’s says that you’re a much better helper around the house than we are, Preston!
    Don’t go for it – our mom is mean!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  4. WOW, PRESTON!!! Mama thinks you should come over to our house and teach my brother and I how to help and clean our house! Then we can have a great puppy date! 🙂 What do you think???

  5. Amber-Mae says:

    That’s the bestest Mother’s Day present you could ever give her! You could really help around the house huh Preston? I’m actually learning the “clean up” trick too. But I haven’t gone quite there yet…I’ll soon get it. Cute video!

    Love licks,
    Solid Gold Dancer

  6. Trish says:

    Way to go Preston! 45 toys? And I thought Bruiser was spoiled. Great work with your Puggle you two, I hope one day Bruiser is as calm as your Preston, lol

  7. Great gift Preston! My Mama got hugs and kisses from me for Mother’s Day. She said you gave a superb gift! You are so talented, we would not expect anything less! Good job in keeping a clean house!


  8. Holy cow, Preston! My Mommy is totally jealous! All she got for Mother’s Day was a roll of shredded toliet paper that she had to clean up!!


  9. Hi Preston! We LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog. You take great pictures and you are SO nice to your humans.

    We are doing a really fun contest over here at Pug & Bugg. It’s called SOPHIE’S NEXT PUG MODEL! Check it out at this link:

    Hope you will be joining us! (We are allowing all part-pugs! Don’t worry!) Tell alllll your friends!


    Sophie and Dixie

  10. Clover says:

    Hi buddy Preston,
    For some reason I wasn’t able to watch your video. I am going to try again later. I know you did a great job cleaning up though – my mom and dad were thinking of teaching me how to do that trick! I learned how to ring the bell to go outside now, just like you! 🙂
    Love Clover xo

  11. evelyn says:

    To Preston,

    You are just so sweet! You remind me so much of my Milo, now he does not clean up ,but he sure makes a good mess every now and then. He does have a favorite dog that he has had since we got him( 4 years ago) he sleeps with him and when he gets real happy he goes and gets him right away. I’m sure you have a favorite toy too, one that just makes you so happy! Just like reading all about you makes us all happy and wanting more! Stay as sweet as you are!