Poolside Party

Preston went swimming at Great Auntie Amy’s house this morning. Mommy didn’t bring his life jacket so he was a little nervous about getting into the water at first.

But he quickly got comfortable in the water and had a lot of fun playing fetch with mommy in the pool. He is a great swimmer.

The poolside party continued after Preston got home. Auntie Karin and Uncle John came over for the poolside barbeque.
Preston was drooling over his dinner: Grilled Salmon and Doggie beer!

8 Responses to Poolside Party

  1. Wow Preston!!! Swimming, fetching, barbeque, grilled Salmon and Doggy Beer! I know you deserve every last bit of that, but you are SPOILED! I’m jealous…can you tell? Hee, hee! It looks like you had a wonderful weekend! Good for Preston!!!


  2. You are just the luckiest doggie ever, Preston! Good food, good friends and a relaxing pool! Does life get any better?!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  3. Wow Preston we think alike….look what I posted about today! I went to a Lake (with a Dog Park) over the weekend. It was great but I too was very scared…this was actually my very first time in the water. Keep blogging buddy – your post are so fun to read!

  4. Frank & Beans says:

    Hey There P.,

    You look good doing the Doggie Paddle !!!
    When we go to the farm we swim in the pond. But there’s never a “Pondside BBQ” !!! We’ll have to check into that.

    HUGS X 2,

    F & B

  5. YES! Preston we were sooo hoping you would enter because you are so photogenic. Can’t wait for tomorrow! Thanks for the pic!

    Sophie and Dixie

  6. Amber-Mae says:

    Wow, looked like you had a soooper time & oh my, you got a whole grilled Salmon & dog beer all to yourself? I’m soooper jealous man!

    Love licks,
    Solid Gold Dancer

  7. […] knew Preston does not like the water at all. He could swim but only if mommy was also in the pool. For weeks since Preston started coming to Fresh Pond, he would only stand on the shore and watch […]