Freddy, Rocket and Preston met up again this weekend!
This time the party was at Cuesta Park, Mountain View.
JJ, Henry and Romeo joined the party too!
Preston likes eating grass, so do Freddy and Rocket! Mommy recommends Pet GreensĀ® treats, made of beef/chicken and wheat grass.
Whoa Preston it looks like you had a great time! I enjoy grass too, I wonder if I can talk my Mommy into getting me some of those for my Birthday?
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Hi Preston!
Those treats look yummy! I don’t particularly like eating grass, but I love eating treats. I don’t think we have those ones in Canada.
Have a great week!
Love Clover xo
Hey There Mister P.,
You Cali dogs have Too much Fun !!!!
We eat grass sometimes. Of course we eat just about anything that doesn’t eat us first !!!!
How’s Milo ?? We’ve been thinking about him !!!
Hugs x 2,
F & B
Hi Preston! It looks like you had another fabulous weekend! I’m sooo jealous!
I don’t get to eat much of anything now and days…those treats looks delicious. I will have to convince my Mama to get me those….Wheat grass is suppose to be good for me!
Look like you guys had so much fun. Can I join sometimes? My mommy can drive me there to meet up with you guys.
You had a great weekend with lots of friends! Good for you, Preston!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh boy Preston! Looks like another fun weekend for you! Those treats look pretty yummy for being so healthy! I can’t eat treats right now until Mommy figures out what makes me itch!
Hugs, Bruschi
hi preston, it’s me maui. we played at mina and milo’s house with you!! how did you like the mountain view park? i’m always trying to find a new park to play at.
Preston Brah!
It is always reassuring to see your big toothy grin and ginormous ears flopping about, having a ball.
(Your stock portfolio must not have taken a big hit lately)
Keep livin’ the good life, little buddy.
Uncle Karl