JP Licks

What is Boston’s best ice cream? Preston’s vote goes to JP Licks!
Preston had their doggie ice cream, “Cow Paw”.

11 Responses to JP Licks

  1. Preston, I’m so jealous. I didn’t get a SUPER treat like you did today. Instead I was weighed at Petsmart and Daddy said I need to lose 2 lbs. I was suckered into diet food and no more treats!
    =( Your Doggie Cow Paw looks soooo delicious! I’m drooling all over!


  2. Poochy says:

    Yummy, Preston. Which topping did you get? I tried yogurtland on Saturday, but I am sure your Doggie Cow Paw tastes much better since it’s special for doggies.


  3. Mr. Puggle says:

    Doggie ice cream? They ain’t got that on the south side of chi town. Lucky dog you are Preston! Maybe you can be their spokes dog? Free ice cream? You could do one of your cool tricks in a commercial.

  4. Ariel says:

    Hi Preston,
    I am going to have human Granny look for doggie ice cream on the internet. I just know I would love it. Look at you finding all the Great treats thanks a million. But it may put some more weight on me. O’well it is just a dog’s life, and it is wonderful!
    Catch you later, unless you catch me first!
    Licks, Ariel ♥

  5. Bruschi says:

    Uh Oh I am drooling on mommy’s computer keyboard here! BOL! That ice cream looks deeeeelicious! I could sure go for an icy cold treat like that right about now. It is almost 100 degrees here today!

    Hugs and Licks, Bruschi

  6. Amber-Mae says:

    Preston, you make it look soooper delish!

    Solid Gold “Actress”

  7. Franny says:

    Hi Preston!

    I’m glad you’re enjoying it out there! Is it really different compared to the Bay Area?

    That icecream looks sooooooooo goood! I think my mom would have a hard time taking a picture of me with icecream because I would gobble it up so fast.


  8. Verena says:

    Oh I love your website! (found it on google)
    Preston is such a beautiful and smart puggle!

    Lots of hugs from Germany,


  9. Frank & Beans says:

    Hey P.,

    Here in Texas there would be NO time to take pics of ice cream !!! It’s Melt City as soon as it’s Scooped !!!

    J.P. Licks looks Way Cool !!!

    Hugs X 2,

    F & B

  10. Clover says:

    Hi Preston!
    Thanks for the ice cream review! Can I come visit you there and we can share an ice cream?!

  11. Yummy Preston!
    That ice cream looks GREAT!
    Please have a lick for us! Also happy father’s day to your daddy! He is very lucky to have a great Puggle like you (and we are very lucky to have you as our friend).
    We love you!
    Jack and Ella (and our mommy too!)