Mommy got some Sukiyaki meat (thinly sliced beef/chicken) from the asian market this week and made Preston some beef and chicken chips.
Mommy laid the beef slices on the lightly greased foil. They were ready to go into a 200F oven.
2 hours later…. crunchy sukiyaki!
Guess what Preston is going to be this Halloween? (It is a tricky one!)
those treats are a good idea – and so easy to make!
is it a cow? are you going as a cow for halloween, preston??
OMG, we are drooling!
We agree with Freddy! That looks like a cow’s ear to us! Are we right?
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Preston..My Mama says a cow…I say a skunk..If you are a skunk make sure you bark like a Puggle so everyone will know you are a dog. People run away from skunks and would not stick around long enough to give treats. I wonder why that it? Do they stink or something? We have skunks in the woods behind my house..If I see one again I’ll ask.. Have a howling good Halloween..Your Buddy Blade..PS I get chicken jerky treats made for me too!!!Now that is a good treat.
Wow! those look good!
Im going to tell mommy and daddy that I want some!
Anyway we all think that you are going as a cow!
I hope you get lots of treats!
I agree, a cow or skunk!!! WE can’t wait to see!
I think maybe a black cat, just to be different, my Mommy says she hopes a cow(because she loves cows!) and Daddy says a skunk because he thinks thats cool. Look at those treats! Go to my blog & check out the latest post! It’s about me following in your pawprints!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Hey There Mister P.,
WOW !! Your Mommy can sure cook like a pro !!!
Sukiyaki treats look sukiyummy !!!
And we’d like to guess that a cow is your costume !!!
This Halloween Frank is going as Beans and Beans is going as Frank. Seeings how we’re brothers and look exactly alike, we thought this would be FUN !!
Trick or Treat !!!
Hugs x 2,
F & B
Mommy & I both think you’re going to be a cow for Halloween, Preston.
I want to thank you, because after mommy read your blog, she gave me a frosty paw, which is my new favorite treat! Yummy!
Happy Howl-o-Ween, Preston!
Mama and I think you’re going as a COW for Halloween! I think that’s FAR better than me!! Mama wants me to be Princess Leia for Halloween!! And I’m a BOY!!!
Hi Preston! You are killing me with your delicious treats! I can just look and smell them from the computer….that’s the closest I’ll be to treats for quite awhile! 🙁
I think you are going to be a cow for Halloween. I would’ve said Skunk but that’s what I am going to be and my ears don’t look like that on my costume. I can’t wait to see your costume!!
Oh, and thanks for the info on the 52 pounder! BOL! Now I do feel slim! 🙂
Preston, when’s the puggle snack party?? I’m droolin over those treats!
Please don’t say your gonna be a Cccccat!! I don’t like cccats…grrrrrrr!
Toby the puggle
Oh Preston you lucky dog you! I think my Dad might have to make me some of those while we hang out at home all day! MMMMmmmmm Chicken!
Well Mr. Preston, I think, along with everyone else, you are going to be a cow this Howl-0-Ween!
Hope the paw is feeling 100% so it won’t slow you down trick or treating!
Hi Preston!
Those treats look delicious! And we think you are going to be a skunk for Halloween! That is the same costume as my new Uncle Eric!
Love Clover xo
P.S. Sorry if I am posting this twice, it didn’t appear to work the first time.
Oh, Preston Brah.
You little “stinker.”
Your Mom knows the best recipes! She’s a gourmet canine chef! I wish my mom would make me some tasty treats – they look so good! I can’t wait to find out what you will be for Halloween.
Hi Preston. I’m Duke’s mommy. We’d just like to tell you that we really like your blog!
ooooh…Preston is going as the Chick-Fil-A cow! Thats my favorite human food! 🙂
WOW! Look at that sukiyaki treats! That made me DROOL!!! Sooo crispy think too like potato chips. Yummerz… Haha! You’re a SKUNK! I know becoz I was forced to wear that silly costume too…
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer